The range of the polar bear subpopulation that is found in Nunatsiavut extends across seasonal sea ice from Newfoundland and Labrador to Greenland, Quebec, and Nunavut. Therefore, monitoring such a wide-ranging population is quite expensive and requires inter-jurisdictional partnerships. The Davis Strait subpopulation is surveyed to estimate abundance approximately every ten years and requires two years of data collection. The last population estimate took place in 2007, however, results from the most recent 2017-2018 field seasons will update this estimate soon.
Inuttitut Name

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Our work with Polar Bears
Nanuk Knowledge & Dialogue Project

A community-based documentary film that tells the story of the social, emotional, and cultural disruptions from ecological change by putting an essential human face to the caribou declines in Labrador.

Nanuk Narratives

A community-based documentary film that tells the story of the social, emotional, and cultural disruptions from ecological change by putting an essential human face to the caribou declines in Labrador.